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LED Hard Drive Clock

Strobeshnik uses stroboscopic effect to create the illusion of persistent numeric display. The hard drive platter has 10 digits, colon and dash marks, cut all the way through it. Behind the platter, in the HDD chassis, there is a PCB with groups of diffused LEDs. Groups of LEDs in each character position can be strobed independently at any given time. By careful timing of the light strobes, an illusion of still-standing numbers can be created.

This is an awesome piece of hackage that tends to impress people. Unfortunately it fails at being quiet and reliable, which is a very important quality of a useful timepiece. Strobeshnik makes an awesome exhibition item however and can be classified as art.

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By Sanjay Chawla on Jul 01, 2010
Site: SSL Exchange (Public)
Forum: New Products - # of views: 1072
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