
Date and TimeTitle
Nov 15, 2023
9:00am - 9:45am (Central)
[Opening Keynote] Privacy Update: Sorting Surveillance Benefits from Harms in an IoT World

Tracking technologies are proliferating at an increasingly high rate in apps, IoT devices, websites, and in a wide range of files. They are not only impacting privacy in wider and more harmful ways, but they have also extended far beyond the digital world and are also impacting physical safety. Such tools can certainly be very beneficial, when used responsibly and with informed awareness of the cybersecurity and privacy risks. However, when they are used without establishing technical and non-technical boundaries, and without taking risk mitigation actions, the associated surveillance activities can, and have, brought physical harms. I was an expert witness for a case a couple of years ago involving a stalker’s use of his victim’s smart car to find and almost fatally assault her. I’m currently an expert witness for two separate cases involving the use of Meta Pixels, Conversion APIs, cookies, and other types of tracking tech for surveillance of online activities. Virtually daily there are news articles reporting privacy invasions by digital trackers, drones, security cameras, and more. I will provide several real-life use cases, and provide discussion for the technical and non-technical capabilities that possibly could have been identified through risk assessment activities prior to making such products publicly available and informed the needed associated security and privacy capabilities, that would have supported privacy and cybersecurity protections and physical safety.

Nov 15, 2023
10:00am - 10:51am (Central)
Threat Intelligence: Industrialization of Cyber Fraud and AI

This presentation will cover the Secret Service’s view on current cybercrime trends to include the emergence of AI/ML in the cybercrime world. Investigator Dougherty will frame it in the lens of BEC (Business Email Compromise) and discuss the new and emerging advancements cybercriminals are using to victimize businesses in 2023 and beyond. Investigator Dougherty may even share a a deepfake of himself.

Nov 15, 2023
10:00am - 10:36am (Central)
Converged Identity Platforms: The Power of One

Identity security has quickly become the keystone for strong cybersecurity programs. But many identity security programs suffer from the same challenges as others – a series of disjointed point solutions that do little to simplify management and governance, limiting overall program effectiveness. Lack of cohesive programs increase costs, complicate tech stacks, and limit buy-in from the rest of the organization which does little to minimize enterprise risk.

In this presentation, Saviynt Vice President of Product Management John Wang will discuss the key concepts that have proven successful for organizations adopting converged identity platforms and how they can streamline security programs, limit enterprise risk, and reduce total cost of ownership – all while increasing ROI.

Discussion topics for this session will include:

  • Today’s identity security challenges
  • Drawbacks of point solutions
  • Defining convergence
  • The business benefits of CIPs
  • Choosing the right CIP for you
Nov 15, 2023
10:00am - 10:46am (Central)
How the Private Sector Can Get Involved in the New Biden National Cybersecurity Strategy
Nov 15, 2023
11:00am - 11:31am (Central)
Introduction to Adversarial Machine Learning

With the increased reliance and use of machine learning across all industries, the attack surface in many organizations’ environments has increased. Although machine learning has many benefits, it also leads to new risks. It is crucial to understand the new security risks that machine learning brings in order to protect systems that rely on these technologies. In this presentation, attendees will learn about the different types of attacks that machine learning is vulnerable to. In addition, attendees will gain an understanding of the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning, what adversarial machine learning is, how machine learning attacks occur, real-world case studies, and an introduction to current open-source tools offered by the industry to ensure that machine learning has been secured. By the end of the presentation, attendees will have an understanding of machine learning and its contributions to the cyber threat landscape as well as some measures they can take to increase the security of machine learning.

Nov 15, 2023
11:00am - 11:45am (Central)
Why We Are Losing the Cyberwar

We are not losing the cyberwar due to a lack of technical skills or a lack of frameworks. We are losing the cyberwar due to a lack of people skills (low EQ) with our highly rationally intelligent (high IQ) cybersecurity staff. Most cybersecurity staff want to feel significant by being “smarter” than others. This inhibits communication and collaboration. I offer a seven-step methodology to fix this challenge, as discussed in my book “The Smartest Person in the Room: The Root Cause and New Solution for Cybersecurity” (, which is based on my 30 years’ experience in cybersecurity, including my own journey with the first cybersecurity company (Alpine Security) that I built and sold in 2020.

Nov 15, 2023
11:00am - 11:30am (Central)
CISO Perspectives on the SEC's New Cyber Rules

In late July, the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) finally announced its long-anticipated cybersecurity updates. With the new rules, public companies operating in the U.S. will have to adapt the way they manage cybersecurity incidents and reporting.

Benjamin Corll and Petri Kuivala will discuss the new rules and explain how security teams need to adapt their processes to make sure their organizations meet compliance.

Nov 15, 2023
12:00pm - 12:53pm (Central)
Safeguarding Ethical Development in AI and Other LLMs

A Comprehensive Approach to Integrating Security, Psychological Considerations, and Governance

Nov 15, 2023
12:00pm - 12:38pm (Central)
Lessons from a CISO: Increasing Your Cybersecurity Footprint Despite Worn Soles

In a time of decreasing budgets, CISOs are increasingly faced with the challenge of doing more with less. In this informative keynote, Michael Gregg discusses how he grew his state’s cyber coverage from 25,000 to 250,000 endpoints. Learn how he optimized SOC operations and embraced AI to increase efficiencies and improve response times while reducing costs.

Nov 15, 2023
12:00pm - 12:38pm (Central)
Telling Your Cybersecurity Story: Meeting the SEC's New Disclosure Requirements

Groundbreaking new cybersecurity regulations from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) now require companies to disclose critical information about their cybersecurity programs to investors and shareholders.

How can technology leaders effectively tell their company’s cybersecurity story now? What do investors want — and need — to know about cybersecurity?

This session will help attendees understand the new requirements, learn real-world examples of effective cybersecurity disclosure, and identify future initiatives.

Nov 15, 2023
1:00pm - 1:38pm (Central)
Secure by Default: Evolving Security Expectations

CISA recently released their paper on “Secure by Design, Secure by Default” software that has support from seven major governments. It is meant to make significant, achievable improvements in software security. We will discuss the Secure by Default concept, why it is important, and what customers and vendors can do about it today.

Nov 15, 2023
1:00pm - 1:59pm (Central)
Mitigating AI Risks: New Solutions to Address AI/ML Liability

2023 has seen the emergence of class action lawsuits filed against businesses for their use of AI/ML technologies.  Other actions are sure to follow as plaintiffs firms find novel ways to fit the use of AI tools into existing legal regimes prohibiting discrimination and requiring product safety, transparency and fairness.  This presentation will give an overview of some of the litigations and enforcement actions seen in the AI/ML space to date, with legal strategies for how businesses can work to develop a legally defensible compliance program, including AI assessments, in line with emerging AI regulatory and risk management frameworks.  The presentation will feature Philip Dawson from Armilla Assurance, the first company to offer a warranty product backed by major insurers that seeks to verify and warrant certain features of an AI tool.

Nov 15, 2023
1:00pm - 1:29pm (Central)
A Whole Lotta BS (Behavioral Science) About Cybersecurity

Let’s be honest: people can frustrate us. They don’t always do the things we’d like, and they often do some things we’d rather they didn’t. New research from the National Cybersecurity Alliance reveals insights about the public’s attitudes and beliefs about security.  We’ll explore the 2022 “Oh Behave! Cybersecurity Attitudes and Behaviors Report,” and some of the findings may surprise you! We’ll also give you practical, actionable advice on how you can better communicate to influence the behavior change you want to see.

Nov 15, 2023
2:00pm - 2:44pm (Central)
[Closing Keynote] Cyber Intel Briefing